this installation/performance piece senses the humidity that a dancer produces through sweat and then translates that into a light spectrum, ranging from blue to red as the environment gets hotter and sweatier.
Heart Beat
This piece of wearable technology processes music and visualizes it analytically through the use of MIDI sequences and LED lights. The purpose of this piece is to express that dance and musical interpretation should not be categorized by genders, and that the most authentic form of expressivity arises when socially constructed forms of identity are wiped from the performer. The use of technology in tandem with the body allows for the de-gendering of such. The symbiosis between computational visualization and human interpretation of music is a step towards post-humanism and the adoption of technology into biology.
Made in collaboration with Maria Camasmie
Hunting Ground
This digital and interactive environment is a way of presenting dance as if it were a sculpture in a gallery, where the user can walk around it and see body movements from all directions. The piece features dancing bodies recorded with motion capture technology. The dancing bodies are placed throughout the virtual cave system and each is the source of music. It is also an exercise in testing the navigational qualities of sound and the spark of human interest through derive wandering.